WBC success: Beefit by Tom Wood


Tom Wood, captain of the Team GB - The British Beefeaters, has been involved in the World Butchers' Challenge since 2015 and has played a huge role in continuing to grow the British side, all while running his own successful stores. It never ceases to amaze us how fast Tom moves with new ideas; which are always aplenty and his willingness to share with others. Below, Tom shares his new venture with the World Butchers' Challenge which launches this weekend. Wishing you all the best Tom! We'll be following with anticipation. 

I designed Beefit to help benefit those who are dieting and working towards their goals in the gym. Being a foodie and also passionate about quality meat and what actually goes into meal prep, is a great concern of mine. I've been brought up within the food sector and I care about what future generations will actually be eating. The meal prep sector has a place and caters to an array of different tastes and dietary requirements, but I believe seeing and knowing exactly what goes into your food is vital and key to the perfect balance, you yourself require for a healthier living. Going back to the good old days where home cooking was booming, there was very little obesity because there was no fast food chains, just good, honest, clean-eating with a balanced diet of fresh produce i.e. meat, fish and vegetables.

If our children grow up thinking that all their meals will be prepared for them, I fear they will lose the insight into where  their food actually comes from and how to cook the different types of species available - which if vital for the not only the next generation but the next generations to come.

Further to the above, some more benefits of eating this clean: 

Eating homemade food is much cheaper than eating processed food from supermarkets, buying cooked meal preps online and eating at restaurants. When we eat at a restaurant, we pay not only for the food but also the cost of running that business. The lights, the water, the building and staff, in addition to the meal we are eating. The same goes for the pre-made or frozen meals at the supermarkets. 

  • Plan several days of meals. You'll be less likely to be tempted to eat something else if you have a plan or something already made.
  • Make a grocery list and stick to it avoid buying extra food.
  • Save leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Once you get a stock of leftovers stored, you can reheat them at a later date when you don’t have time to cook.

It might seem like grabbing something to eat at the local supermarket or driving to get a takeaway at the closest restaurant might be the a quick solution when you’re in a hurry. In reality, many times it can be much faster to cook something at home, especially when you plan ahead. There are so many meals that can be made in less than 30 minutes, and if you choose a more complex recipe, you can always cook in bulk and eat the surplus later in the week or freeze it.

Many commercially prepared foods are high in fat, salt, and sugar. When you prepare your own food, you know exactly which ingredients and how much of each are going into our food.

Preparing your food at home can be especially beneficial if you or your family member has a food allergy. Because you are in control in your own kitchen, you can reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Many restaurants and fast food joints offer portions that are much larger than necessary and the problem is, when food is in front of you, chances are you’ll eat it. When you dine in, you can regulate the amount of food served for dinner, eliminating unnecessary temptation.

Eating at home gives the entire family time to talk about their day. Studies show that when we eat together, our kids and family are much healthier. Eating together is linked to less obesity, kids doing better in school and less substance abuse within the family.

Involving your children in food preparation (maybe by asking them to read the recipe out load or mix ingredients) is not only a fun thing to do, but also a great way to to teach them healthy eating habits.

Thank you for taking time to read what is my passion for future generations to eat clean.

Tom Wood - Beefit, Artisan Butcher

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